Produkt zum Begriff Service:
Web Service Contract Design and Versioning for SOA
This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version.The Ultimate Guide for Designing and Governing Web Service Contracts For Web services to succeed as part of SOA, they require balanced, effective technical contracts that enable services to be evolved and repeatedly reused for years to come. Now, a team of industry experts presents the first end-to-end guide to designing and governing Web service contracts. Writing for developers, architects, governance specialists, and other IT professionals, the authors cover the following areas: Understanding Web Service Contract Technologies Initial chapters and ongoing supplementary content help even the most inexperienced professional get up to speed on how all of the different technologies and design considerations relate to the creation of Web service contracts. For example, a visual anatomy of a Web service contract documented from logical and physical perspectives is provided, along with a chapter dedicated to describing namespaces in plain English. The book is further equipped with numerous case study examples and many illustrations. Fundamental and Advanced WSDL Tutorial coverage of WSDL 1.1 and 2.0 and detailed descriptions of their differences is followed by numerous advanced WSDL topics and design techniques, including extreme loose coupling, modularization options, use of extensibility elements, asynchrony, message dispatch, service instance identification, non-SOAP HTTP binding, and WS-BPEL extensions. Also explained is how WSDL definitions are shaped by key SOA design patterns. Fundamental and Advanced XML Schema XML Schema basics are covered within the context of Web services and SOA, after which advanced XML Schema chapters delve into a variety of specialized message design considerations and techniques, including the use of wildcards, reusability of schemas and schema fragments, type inheritance and composition, CRUD-style message design, and combining industry and custom schemas. Fundamental and Advanced WS-Policy Topics, such as Policy Expression Structure, Composite Policies, Operator Composition Rules, and Policy Attachment establish a foundation upon which more advanced topics, such as policy reusability and centralization, nested, parameterized, and ignorable assertions are covered, along with an exploration of creating concurrent policy-enabled contracts and designing custom policy assertions and vocabularies. Fundamental Message Design with SOAPA broad range of message design-related topics are covered, including SOAP message structures, SOAP nodes and roles, SOAP faults, designing custom SOAP headers and working with industry-standard SOAP headers. Advanced Message Design with WS-Addressing The art of message design is taken to a new level with in-depth descriptions of WS-Addressing endpoint references (EPRs) and MAP headers and an exploration of how they are applied via SOA design patterns. Also covered are WSDL binding considerations, related MEP rules, WS-Addressing policy assertions, and detailed coverage of how WS-Addressing relates to SOAP Action values. Advanced Message Design with MTOM, and SwA Developing SOAP messages capable of transporting large documents or binary content is explored with a documentation of the MTOM packaging and serialization framework (including MTOM-related policy assertions), together with the SOAP with Attachments (SwA) standard and the related WS-I Attachments Profile. Versioning Techniques and Strategies Fundamental versioning theory starts off a series of chapters that dive into a variety of versioning techniques based on proven SOA design patterns including backward and forward compatibility, version identification strategies, service termination, policy versioning, validation by projection, concurrency control, partial understanding, and versioning with and without wildcards. Web Service Contracts and SOA The constant focus of this book is on the design and versioning of Web service contracts in support of SOA and service-orientation. Relevant SOA design principles and design patterns are periodically discussed to demonstrate how specific Web service technologies can be applied and further optimized. Furthermore, several of the advanced chapters provide expert techniques for designing Web service contracts while taking SOA governance considerations into account. About the Web Sites supplements this book with a variety of resources, including a diagram symbol legend, glossary, supplementary articles, and source code available for download. provides further support by establishing a descriptive portal to XML and Web services specifications referenced in all of Erl’s Service-Oriented Architecture books. Foreword Preface Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Case Study Background Part I: Fundamental Service Contract Design Chapter 3: SOA Fundamentals and Web Service Contracts Chapter 4: Anatomy of a Web Service Contract Chapter 5: A Plain English Guide to Namespaces Chapter 6: Fundamental XML Schema: Types and Message Structure Basics Chapter 7: Fundamental WSDL Part I: Abstract Description Design Chapter 8: Fundamental WSDL Part II: Concrete Description Design Chapter 9: Fundamental WSDL 2.0: New Features, and Design Options Chapter 10: Fundamental WS-Policy: Expression, Assertion, and Attachment Chapter 11: Fundamental Message Design: SOAP Envelope Structure, and Header Block Processing Part II: Advanced Service Contract Design Chapter 12: Advanced XML Schema Part I: Message Flexibility, and Type Inheritance and Composition Chapter 13: Advanced XML Schema Part II: Reusability, Derived Types, and Relational Design Chapter 14: Advanced WSDL Part I: Modularization, Extensibility, MEPs, and Asynchrony Chapter 15: Advanced WSDL Part II: Message Dispatch, Service Instance Identification, and Non-SOAP HTTP Binding Chapter 16: Advanced WS-Policy Part I: Policy Centralization and Nested, Parameterized, and Ignorable Assertions Chapter 17: Advanced WS-Policy Part II: Custom Policy Assertion Design, Runtime Representation, and Compatibility Chapter 18: Advanced Message Design Part I: WS-Addressing Vocabularies Chapter 19: Advanced Message Design Part II: WS-Addressing Rules and Design Techniques Part III: Service Contract Versioning Chapter 20: Versioning Fundamentals Chapter 21: Versioning WSDL Definitions Chapter 22: Versioning Message Schemas Chapter 23: Advanced Versioning Part IV: Appendices Appendix A: Case Study Conclusion Appendix B: A Comparison of Web Services and REST Services Appendix C: How Technology Standards are Developed Appendix D: Alphabetical Pseudo Schema Reference Appendix E: SOA Design Patterns Related to This Book
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Was sind die Vorteile eines Web-Service gegenüber herkömmlichen Anwendungen?
Web-Services sind plattformunabhängig und können von verschiedenen Geräten aus genutzt werden. Sie ermöglichen eine einfache Integration von Anwendungen und den Austausch von Daten zwischen verschiedenen Systemen. Zudem sind sie skalierbar und bieten eine hohe Flexibilität bei der Entwicklung und Bereitstellung von Softwarelösungen.
Wie kann ein Self-Service-Portal die Effizienz in der Kundenbetreuung steigern?
Ein Self-Service-Portal ermöglicht es Kunden, häufig gestellte Fragen selbst zu beantworten, was die Anzahl der Anfragen an den Kundenservice reduziert. Durch die Automatisierung von Prozessen können Kunden schneller und effizienter unterstützt werden. Das Portal bietet rund um die Uhr Zugang zu Informationen und Dienstleistungen, was die Kundenzufriedenheit erhöht.
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Ein Self-Service-Portal ermöglicht es Kunden, Probleme selbstständig zu lösen, ohne auf Unterstützung durch Mitarbeiter angewiesen zu sein. Dadurch werden Wartezeiten reduziert und die Kunden können rund um die Uhr auf Informationen zugreifen. Dies führt zu einer Steigerung der Effizienz und Zufriedenheit der Kunden.
Wie kann ein Self-Service-Portal die Effizienz und Zufriedenheit von Kunden und Mitarbeitern verbessern?
Ein Self-Service-Portal ermöglicht es Kunden, ihre Anliegen selbstständig zu lösen, was die Wartezeiten reduziert und die Effizienz steigert. Mitarbeiter können sich auf komplexere Aufgaben konzentrieren, da Routineanfragen automatisch bearbeitet werden. Kunden schätzen die Flexibilität und Schnelligkeit des Portals, was zu einer höheren Zufriedenheit führt.
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Ein Self-Service-Portal ermöglicht es Kunden, häufig auftretende Probleme selbstständig zu lösen, was die Wartezeiten reduziert und die Effizienz steigert. Durch die Bereitstellung von Informationen und Ressourcen rund um die Uhr können Kunden ihre Anliegen schnell und unkompliziert bearbeiten, was zu einer höheren Zufriedenheit führt. Unternehmen können durch ein Self-Service-Portal Kosten senken, da weniger Personal für die Kundenbetreuung benötigt wird und gleichzeitig die Kundenzufriedenheit gesteigert wird.
Wie kann ein Self-Service-Portal dabei helfen, die Effizienz und Zufriedenheit von Kunden und Mitarbeitern zu steigern? Welche Funktionen und Dienstleistungen bieten Self-Service-Portale in verschiedenen Branchen an?
Ein Self-Service-Portal ermöglicht es Kunden und Mitarbeitern, häufig auftretende Anliegen eigenständig zu lösen, was die Effizienz steigert und die Zufriedenheit erhöht. Funktionen wie FAQ, Ticketing-Systeme, Online-Bestellungen und Terminvereinbarungen werden in verschiedenen Branchen angeboten, um den Service zu verbessern. Self-Service-Portale bieten auch personalisierte Inhalte, Benachrichtigungen und die Möglichkeit, Daten und Dokumente sicher zu speichern und abzurufen.
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